Kybella is a FDA approved injectable treatment that helps improve the appearance of your chin by destroying fat cells in the area under the chat. This will result in a fantastic profile.
This treatment is administered by a trained healthcare specialist. You will receive multiple small injections under your chin. Each session will take around 15 to 20 minutes. How many sessions you will need will be discussed with you and the specialist. This is usually determined by the amount of fat under your chin.
Give us a call today to find out if Kybella Treatment is right for you.
The results of this treatment can be seen after even six months, they can lost a very long time. Once the fat cells are eliminated with this treatment you can enjoy your newly sculpted chin.
With Kybella Treatments you will usually need about 6 treatments to see the ideal results that can last permanently. After the last session it may take up to a week for the full results to show.
Yes, the results that you’ll see from this treatment can last you the rest of your life, since the treatment aims to destroy the fat cells that are causing the unwanted appearance.